Tina Morse
Children’s Ministries Director

Tina has been a member of Central Church for more than 40 years. She felt God’s calling to serve in ministry at a young age. After marrying in 1993, she and her husband, Chuck, have served in leadership in many areas: youth for 4 years, college and career for 2 years, and children’s ministry for 15 years. As of September 2022, God has called the Morses’ back into children’s ministry leadership. In addition to serving in this leadership role, Tina continues full-time employment as an HR/financial Manager for a local engineering company where she has worked since 1995. Chuck and Tina have two sons, Chandler and Caden. Chandler was married to Sarah Dufries in April 2022, and Chuck and Tina feel very blessed to now have a beautiful daughter. Caden is a sophomore in high school. He is very active in the Ignite Youth Ministry here at Central and enjoys being on the high school archery team. This year, the family adopted an older dog into their family- Benji!